Pretty interesting ha? Here are images of the entire costume, the
samurai armour which was one of my other inspirations just to add a
little shimmer to my outfits and a few shots I was able to find of my final collection.
During my years of HND, the collection I did for my final show was
inspired by the Samurai's traditional costume which was a combination of
a pleated pant named the 'Hakama' and the top, the 'Kataginu vest'. The
'Hakama' was known to have seven pleats (five in the front and two in
the back) and these were known to represent the seven virtues of budo
(martial arts);
Jin: benevolence
Gi: honor or justice
Rei: courtesy and etiquette
Chi: wisdom, intellligence
Shin: sincerity
Chu: loyalty
Koh: pietya