Monday, August 12, 2013

Bright, peppy, and totally FUNKY!

Fleur Folie

This was another funky 60's inspired photo shoot that was done sometime back collaborating with fashion photographer, Achintha Dahanayake.
 The concept was to mix and match cheeththa fabric with solid colours and to bring out a playful and cheerful feel to the story. I wanted a cute & bubbly personality for this shoot so, this time I worked with Christina, who I thought was perfect for this concept and was just amazing to work with. Not only did she emote well to the peppy story but also gave us some amazing poses that made it very difficult for us to choose pics for editing purposes. So please enjoy the pics! Hope you love it as much as we do! Cheeththa can do wonders if you mix them beautifully! Especially for a funky printed pair of jeans or for a simple A-line dress, shorts, strappy top whatever! If you find the fabric uncomfortable you can always line it with a soft cotton. Enjoy!